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Since we first opened our doors in 1851, financial contributions to 十大彩票平台 have always been vital to the continuing success of the school.

The generous support of our alumnae, families, friends, faculty, staff, and trustees is one of 十大彩票平台’s most important traditions – and a clear reflection of the value of a 十大彩票平台 education and commitment to girls' education.

When you give to 十大彩票平台, you can be sure your contribution will make a difference in the quality of each girl’s 十大彩票平台 experience. Each gift helps us maintain the excellence of our academic and extracurricular program, as well as the breadth and depth of our school community. Each gift also helps sustain the school’s most beloved traditions, while supporting our ability to evolve in ways relevant and important to our mission.

Thank you for considering a gift to 十大彩票平台.



How can I make a gift?


1. Donate online here.

2. Send a gift by mail to:

Buffalo Seminary Annual Fund
205 Bidwell Parkway
Buffalo, NY 14222

3. Call  716-885-6780 to make a gift or pledge by phone.

4. Venmo us @BuffSem

5. PayPal us here.

6. Make a gift of stock.  Click here to download the stock form.

Guidestar 2024 logo Gold Seal of Transparency

Buffalo Seminary is consistently recognized for our transparency with a Gold Seal on our GuideStar Nonprofit Profile. Only 0.5% of GuideStar listees are Gold level.    

GuideStar is the world’s largest source of information on nonprofit organizations. More than 8 million visitors per year and a network of 200+ partners use GuideStar data to grow support for nonprofits. 




Student at an all-girls school in Buffalo on their pathfinder trip with their class.