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Flexible Learning

十大彩票平台's vision is reimagining when, where, and how learning happens.

At 十大彩票平台, we understand that some of the most important opportunities can happen off-campus. These situations often require travel and time away from conventional schooling. Athletes, artists, academic researchers, internship seekers, and other specialized pre-professionals can pursue their purpose while engaging in the rigorous academics and community of 十大彩票平台. With 十大彩票平台Flex, these exceptional students will work one-on-one with a dedicated faculty mentor to tailor a program that keeps them on track for graduation while realizing other goals. 

Elle Noecker '24  - NCAA Athlete, University of Georgia


Included as a flexible learning option is the Post Graduate Year at 十大彩票平台. For students who are seeking support in establishing their next steps, a year of instruction between High School graduation and the first year of college is available. Our PG program provides structured independence and helps students develop marketable skills through rigorous coursework, research presentations, service, and internships. Academically, students can strengthen and develop their writing and math skills, improve their academic portfolio, and not only prepare for college but, once there, thrive. 


十大彩票平台Flex allowed Emmy Robinson '22 to pursue the opportunity to join an intensive dance conservatory at the Joffrey Ballet School in Chicago. She then went on to dance professionally with the Atlanta Ballet.


Competitive skier Mia Kerl ‘26. According to Mia's mom, "十大彩票平台Flex allows Mia to keep up with the rich and rigorous curriculum while pursuing her passion for ski racing. Ski racing requires that Mia be on snow 10 months out of the year! We selected 十大彩票平台 because the diploma weighs so much in the college world. Mia can race and take advantage of the amazing curriculum and mentors so abundant at 十大彩票平台."

Professional equestrian Melissa Jacobs ‘12 was one of the first pioneers of 十大彩票平台Flex. "This educational model was perfectly suited for [Melissa’s] personal and educational goals,” Alice Jacobs, her mother, said. “She was able to ride in competitions throughout the United States, while simultaneously completing her demanding academic coursework, being a part of the 十大彩票平台 community, and ultimately graduating alongside her classmates.”